Vocabulary Training

Vocabulary Training Exercises

In English, German, French and Spanish
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Word Lists

Verbs 1*,Verbs 2*,Verbs 3*

  • Present Tense 1*, 2*
  • Past (Sp. Preterite, Fr. Passe simple) Tense 1* , 2*
  • Imperfect Tense 1*, 2*
  • Present Perfect (Fr. Passe Compose)*
  • Future Tense*
  • Conditional Tense*
  • Present Subjunctive*
  • Imperative expressions*
  • Animals* Adjectives 1* Adjectives 2* Business Vocabulary 1* Prepositions*
    The Human Body* The Human Spirit* Europe* Business Vocabulary 2* Numbers*
    Food* Weather* The Home* General Vocabulary 1* Mathematics*
    Clothing* Canada* Useful Words General Vocabulary 2* Literature*
    Basic Words 1* The Traveller* Automotive* General Vocabulary 3* The Gym*
    Basic Words 2* Professions* Soccer* General Vocabulary 4* The Hotel*
    The Sea* The Forest* Computers* General Vocabulary 5* Phrasebook 1*
    Describing People*

    In German
    In French
    In Spanish

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