To see how to select one of multiple tests from a list within one app, click here.
You can also bring up the "SDK Manager" from within the Eclipse development environment by clicking on the "Android SDK Manager" icon in the toolbar. You might have to restart Eclipse to see the target that you just installed in the drop down target list.
You should now be ready to start developing your Android Test App.
To get the output of the application, click on the console button on the right hand border
Perform the appropriate modifications by clicking on the widget in question and modifying the appropriate property in the properties box. (note, it takes some work gaining familiarity with the properties of the widgets and what happens when you modify them).
Below are the images of the application as it appears in the emulator
Remove keyboard from emulator by hitting the escape key on your keyboard.
and the strings.xml
I've also loaded 100 question/answer pairs into the res\values\questions.xml file for the final English/French word list that will be distributed with the application.
By: Rene Kondratzky